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[GNU-COBOL] test suite

Fred Mobach wrote:

> > > Perhaps off topic but if someone is interested is some Cobol programs to have a
> > > look at it just mail me and tell me what you would like to see : some small
> > > programs ? a very big program ? Both are available.
> >
> >         At some point, we're going to need a test suite of programs, starting
> >         with simple stuff, and working our way up from there...numerous unit
> >         tests for each bit of functionality the compiler will need...that seems
> >         like the perfect thing for the more "expert" COBOL programmers to
> >         start on.
> The Tiny Cobol compiler boys has asked me the same. Do you object to use what I will
> write for them ?
> Regards,
> Fred

we absolutely do NOT object.  Standard test suites are more useful than
standard specifications IMO.

               David Nicol 816.235.1187 nicold@umkc.edu
                                        Enough already.

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