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"Justin C. Ferguson" wrote:

> When last we left our heros, they were speaking of:
> > No, I don't feel frisky but Yes, I'll write them up in plain ASCII. BTW my son
> > learned me how to use Bluefish and Weblint to edit well formatted HTML but it's a
> > lot of extra work as I'm not using it very often. Just point me the place where and
> > the method how to post.
>         Since I'm the project webmaster, I guess I'd be the person to address
>         both of these questions.  My preference would be to receive documents
>         in mostly plaintext, with basic HTML (<B>,<I>,<PRE>,<U>, etc.) used
>         for formatting if needed.

So, as long as you will accept my plain text you'll see me very happy. Submissions will
be done directly to you.

> > Siemens has a lot of manuals in PDF format for their products, some of them are
> > related to Cobol85. We're still working on Cobol74, but I think it's simpler to
> > note the differences than to start writing our own. The bad news is that I have
> > only the German version, but the good news is that there's also an English version.
> > The best news is that
> > they're FREE to copy. As soon as I've the English version I'll send to who ? and
> > how ?
>         Depending on the size, you can e-mail them to me, or I can make some
>         ftp space for you to ftp them to, and then I can add links to them
>         to the web page.

About 3 MB, do you want this as attachment ? Send your instructions to me.

> > Perhaps off topic but if someone is interested is some Cobol programs to have a
> > look at it just mail me and tell me what you would like to see : some small
> > programs ? a very big program ? Both are available.
>         At some point, we're going to need a test suite of programs, starting
>         with simple stuff, and working our way up from there...numerous unit
>         tests for each bit of functionality the compiler will need...that seems
>         like the perfect thing for the more "expert" COBOL programmers to
>         start on.

The Tiny Cobol compiler boys has asked me the same. Do you object to use what I will
write for them ?



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