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When last we left our heros, they were speaking of:
> No, I don't feel frisky but Yes, I'll write them up in plain ASCII. BTW my son
> learned me how to use Bluefish and Weblint to edit well formatted HTML but it's a
> lot of extra work as I'm not using it very often. Just point me the place where and
> the method how to post.

	Since I'm the project webmaster, I guess I'd be the person to address
	both of these questions.  My preference would be to receive documents 
	in mostly plaintext, with basic HTML (<B>,<I>,<PRE>,<U>, etc.) used
	for formatting if needed.  

> Siemens has a lot of manuals in PDF format for their products, some of them are
> related to Cobol85. We're still working on Cobol74, but I think it's simpler to
> note the differences than to start writing our own. The bad news is that I have
> only the German version, but the good news is that there's also an English version.
> The best news is that
> they're FREE to copy. As soon as I've the English version I'll send to who ? and
> how ?

	Depending on the size, you can e-mail them to me, or I can make some
	ftp space for you to ftp them to, and then I can add links to them 
	to the web page.

> Perhaps off topic but if someone is interested is some Cobol programs to have a
> look at it just mail me and tell me what you would like to see : some small
> programs ? a very big program ? Both are available.

	At some point, we're going to need a test suite of programs, starting
	with simple stuff, and working our way up from there...numerous unit
	tests for each bit of functionality the compiler will need...that seems 
	like the perfect thing for the more "expert" COBOL programmers to 
	start on.  


Justin Ferguson - Tech. Analyst/Geek of All Trades   jferg@lusars.net
http://www.lusars.net/~jferg/                            jferg@geeks.com
A hollow voice says "Plugh".                                   jferg@acm.org 

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