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Re: [GNU-COBOL] Re: Laura Leaving GNU COBOL Project

When last we left our heros, they were speaking of:
> >>> "Justin C. Ferguson" <jferg@lusArs.net> 10/27/99 11:59AM >>>
> When last we left our heros, they were speaking of:
> <snip>
>  Another thing on the TODO list should probably be a screen 
>  manipulation library, yes/no?
> <snip>
> I don't think screens are part of the 85 standard, are they?  Would be a VERY useful extension.

	I honestly don't remember, and don't have a copy of the standard 
	handy to check.   If they're not part of the standard, then we 
	shouldn't worry about them right away, but I'd be glad to look at 
	them eventually.


Justin Ferguson - Tech. Analyst/Geek of All Trades   jferg@lusars.net
http://www.lusars.net/~jferg/                            jferg@geeks.com
A hollow voice says "Plugh".                                   jferg@acm.org 

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