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Re: gnubol: Re: GNU Project Cobol Compiler

David Essex wrote:
> Regarding the actual code generation. On I*M mainframes, they use a SQL
> pre-processor, which comments all SQL statements from the COBOL source and
> generates some extra code. The modified COBOL program and the extra code
> are then compiled to create the executable.

COBOL II works pretty much the same way.  I haven't really studied the
output from MF compilers--always something else I gotta do. :/  The
output from COBOL II is not something I've tried to follow,
however--usually just "INCLUDE SQLCA" and go on about my business. 
Guess I should study it and the MF listings.

> I was thinking of a similar solution. Use a pre-processor, which comments
> all SQL statements from the COBOL source and generates C code. The SQL
> statements in the procedure division would be replaced by sub-program calls
> to the generated C code. Anyway that is the basic idea.
> Is this a similar approach you were planning to take ?

Yeah, something like that.  It's a work in the very early stages,
however, and moving kinda slow.  Work, wedding planning, all those other
little things, y'know. ;)  Like I said, my main goal initially is to
learn the workings of Lex and Yacc, but I would really love it if this
is something that could be part of gnubol.  I'm not sure, however, if
generating C would be better, or generating native COBOL.  Depends on
the capabilities of the RTS, I guess. Still, there's time to plan that.

Matthew Vanecek
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