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Re: gnubol: Re: GNU Project Cobol Compiler

David Essex wrote:
> On 26/04/00, Matthew Vanecek wrote:
> > ...
> >For Lex and Yacc, I understand the syntax and structure.
> >Still working on techniques. Trying to make a MySQL SQL
> >preprocessor towards that end.
> Is MySQL released under the GPL license ? Last time I checked it was not.

No, unfortunately not.  It's license is kinda weird and twisted.  But
I'm familiar with the product.  Actually what I had in mind was a
wrapper layer which could interface with a variety of database driver
modules--Postgresql, MySQL, Oracle, whatever.  But I am familiar with
the MySQL API, so it was a logical place to begin

> There are several free SQL Lex/Yacc parsers available which could be used
> as a starting point for an embedded SQL preprocessor.
> The one I was looking at, was written by Leroy Cain. It does not do
> anything other than parse SQL code. It is available on the net, but I
> forgot were.

Yeah, I'm sure there are.  This project is more for my personal
aggrandizement, however, rather than for mass consumption--although that
may come in the future.

> > ...
> >Are there plans to be able to generate a listing of the
> >assembler code at compile time (like MF and COBOL II can do)?  I've
> >never tried doing that with gcc, so I'm not sure if it can, already
> Yes it can. In the following example, GCC will create an assembler file
> called prog.s.
> gcc -S prog.c
> edit prog.s
> If you are looking for an actual assembler listing, gas (GNU assembler)
> will create one for you.
> as -a=prog.s.txt prog.s
> edit prog.s.txt

Excellent.  Good to know.  Bet if I'd taken time to read the manual,
I'd've found that out, but thanks all the same. ;)
Matthew Vanecek
Visit my Website at http://mysite.directlink.net/linuxguy
For answers type: perl -e 'print
For 93 million miles, there is nothing between the sun and my shadow
except me. I'm always getting in the way of something...

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