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RE: gnubol: Cobol for GCC Progress Report
I have been looking for a Cobol to Java convertor (not Cobol compiler) for a
Since I didn't get any leads on that, I thought another approach might be to
take some existing Cobol to C convertor, and then change the code generation
part from C to Java. I want to take such code from one place and then start
modifying it for Java generation.
The interesting sites I found are:
1. Cobol2C http://www.gnu.org/software/cobol/index.html
2. CobCy http://web.tiscalinet.it/albertosantini/cobcy/
3. tiny COBOL http://tiny-cobol.sourceforge.net/index.html
4. Yours
U seem like the guy preset everywhere.
So, in your opinion, which is the right place to start.
> Ashish,
> No it generates assembler straight from the input Cobol; it does
> this using the GCC code generation and optimization logic, which
> supports many platforms and CPUs (dozens in fact),
> Tim Josling
> Ashish Sharma wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > Does this compiler generate intermediate C source?
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