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Re: gnubol: problem 9; data list collisions.

There has been some interaction on the INSPECT verb.  A recent post is quoted 

I think I knwo what we can do about this problem. Basically,  the pattern 
looks roughly like this;

    repeating-major-phrase :
        one-data-item  more-phrasing   repeating-data-LIST

The problem being that as the major phrase is about to repeat, the 
at the end would correspond to a grammar rule that will gobble up the next 
one-data-item, pacman-like, and make it impossible for the next major-phrase 
to get started right.

(As an aside, the problem actually does not occur when the BEFORE/AFTER 
clause is 
added to the whole structure, as it should not look for a list, but only one 
item. But see below).

A solution is to FRAGMENT the gramar rules, but this fragmentation involves 
distinguishing, the first occurence from the subsequent occurrences.  The 
rules would look roughly like this;

    major-phrase :
        one-data-item  more-phrasing   repeating-data-LIST
    optional ! repeating-major-phrase-FRAGMENT :
        more-phrasing   repeating-data-LIST

This is what you would call a trick! And it is a trick trick if I do say so 
myself.  The objective here is to get the tool to stop bellyaching about 

The conflicts occur from the fact that there is a real ambiguity for any next 
data item on the repeating-data-LIST; is a next item another for the list or 
does it belong to the next major-phrase repetition.

This problem can be generalized, and it is probably useful to generalize it; 
we have this ambiguity whenever two data lists can occur adjacent to one 
another in the grammar. (When one or both of those list are 'supposed' to be 
a single element, we have the special cases of this problem). The INSPECT 
TALLYING 'tallying field list' can collide with the 'count field (list of 

Actually, the BEFORE/AFTER  tally 'bounding filed (list of one)' can also 
collide with the 'count field (list of one)'. But it is easy to extinguish 
the flames that causes in the grammar.

So a fragmentation of the nature sketched above leaves the second and 
subsequent repetitions of the TALLYING clause object with out 'count field 
(list of one)'. The solution for that is to borrow it back in the action 
code.  When one of the 'subseqent' rules reduces, it shuld know that the 
preceding rule had a list, it can just rob the last item. (Note in passing 
that that list might have an error, of only one item, which needs to be 
caught before the robbery, or afterwards - semantics perhaps detecting that 
the 'tallying field list' got reduced to zero).

This borrow back may require a delay in the emissions from syntax to 
semantics. I assume that comments from the bison afficionado indicate that he 
is not much concerned about late release to semantics, as it seems like he 
tentatively plans to hold every thing in ram on AST and or linked lists.  The 
PCCTS champion may need to heed this problem, and note the small issue about 
timing implied. If there too we have a plan for growing large ASTs (etc) then 
early 'release' is probably not a problem there either. But LL tools tend to 
lead to early reductions, should we decide to consider an approach like the 
above, it needs to be tuned to the tool and the exact strategy of building 
the tree so that the 'borrow back' happens early enough.

While we are thinking about it, for LL, we could do this is a transverse 

    major-phrase :
        one-data-item  more-phrasing                  
    optional ! repeating-major-phrase-FRAGMENT :
        repeating-data-LIST more-phrasing  
    mandatory ! ending of one more :

Here we would need an unsteal of the whole front of the list, to glue it to 
the preceeding repetition, and a retension of the last item on the -LIST as 
being the true begining of the next repetition. This latter approach may be 
better for both LL and LR.

For both approaches the last -LIST is always left intact.

(This -FRAGMENT approach shifts responsibilities from the grammar rules to 
the actions, and possibly also some to semantics).

The discourse here about generalization of this issue, is intended to lay 
some ground work for _possibly_ discussing application of it to other areas.

The STRING and the UNSTRING constructs hae some repeating phrases that 
present the possiblity of collisions. But in these cases the stretch of code 
looks something like this;

   one-data-item blah blah blah one-data-item
   one-data-item blah blah blah one-data-item
   one-data-item blah blah blah one-data-item

If we apply the rules we should, then simple data references can be made to 
reduce right away, and not collided with the next data-item which starts a 
next repetition. But we may wish to look at this differently.  A _possible_ 
error production in all locations where a single item should be specified is 
to go ahead and look for two or more, just to keep the parser on its feet.  
So substitute a list at either end, or at both ends of these repeating 
phrasings, and you get the smoke out of the tools ears. 

In these situations, if we choose to consider encoding list rules, we will 
likely need to use some kind of a -FRAGMENT rule pattern, and 'borrow backs' 
or 'unsteals'.

This is not really far fetched, although as we watch the stingy clock on the 
wall refuse everyday to yield more than twenty-four units it is currently 
enough just to get obvious rules into place and try to find our way to 
executables.  There is a point at which we will come back to this, so it 
seems useful to not only try to express a specific solution for the INSPECT 
TALLYING clause, but for the general problem.  Out experience with INSPECT 
may give us confidence to try it elsewhere.

There are several places where coding data-lists rather than 'expected' 
single items will recommend itself.  The arithmetic verbs are quite variable 
in the way they sometimes allow lists, and sometimes require single data 

The chance of coding mistakes here is high.  I think the criteria Tim 
suggested for error productions, is a) we know what the error will be, and b) 
we can surmise that it would be common enough to justify the effort.

To code a data-item-LIST where only a single data-item is expected, requires 
code in the actions to check the count or a switch that says single/multiple. 
(potentially in quite a few places).  And it requires some kind of a 
commutable error flag system, so that errors can percolate up the rule 

Anyway, back to the mainline, INSPECT.  The only other verbs that appear to 
have the minor repeating pattern of data-LISTs inside of a major clause 
repetition, that can generate a list collision are STRING and UNSTRING.  If 
anyone can see others, please point them out, for further study in the 
context of the possible applicability of -FRAGMENT rule techniques.

Best Wishes
Bob Rayhawk


In a message dated 12/27/99 10:37:47 AM EST, migrate@tiac.net writes:

<< At 04:10 AM 12/27/99 EST, RKRayhawk@aol.com wrote:
 >In a message dated 12/27/99 1:41:34 AM EST, tej@melbpc.org.au writes:
 > INSPECT a tallying x for all y ZZZ.
 > INSPECT a tallying X for all y ZZZ for leading z.
 > So ZZZ could be something else you are counting or something you
 > are putting the next count into. I think.
 > Take out the magic tokens and see the conflicts, if you have
 > bison which I think you said you do.
 >  >>
 >Well I trust you are correct. I have bison and I can not believe how quiet
 >is when it scans your rules. Positively erie!
 >But my COBOL manual does not say that you can have a list where your 
 >implies that you think you can:
 >  INSPECT a tallying x for all y ZZZ.
 I checked the COBOL standard, and it allows a list as above.  The
 BEFORE/AFTER phrase is conditional, so the repeatition on the outer braces
 applys to identifier-3/literal-1

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