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Re: gnubol: Indexed file processing

David Essex wrote :>
>Has any one considered how gnu COBOL will handle indexed file processing ?
>There are tools(GPL), such as db-1.85(1), which would help.

well, the docs make it look promising. The proble is I can't get it to 
compile. And after sending over an hour attempting to get it to compile
I 'm no in the mood to port the bastard. But need less to say, I think
this is the same btree impl that has been floatig around the net for teh 
past 20 yrs. and with the exception of the up and coming irondoc, there
is nothing else out ther. I guess i have to break down and do it.
oh well.

If any one a can get this to compile on a modern system, let me know
what you did and what you are running(compiler,libc,system) to
get it to happen.

ps: ok not 20 yrs..just since the first relase on comp.source
back in the early 80s.

Chad Slaughter  -- slaught at advancenet.net

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