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Re: gnubol: Indexed file processing

yeah, I know I am replying to myself.

There are two db programs avilable.
there is the version below which seesm like total shit and simple
doesnt compile on my linux 2.2.x with gcc 2.91.66 and libc 2.1.1
libc6 i think thats libc6 glibc2.1.1,
That whole libc version crap is a total cluster fuck.
at any rate.
The previous verision of the db product.
db 1.79 : http://metalab.unc.edu/pub/linux/libs/db/db.1.79.tar.gz
Seems to work much better . I
got it to compile. Its a toss up between the linux errno headers
beign total shit and the program beign a piece of shit.

BUt it compiles and the tests run. witht he btree support adn the record
stuff, it looks promising. If anyone gets the 1.85 to compile send me
a  patch. 

The db-1.79 can be compiled on a similar system in the following manner.
dnload the src from above url.
untar it.
dnload patch: http://www.lusars.net/gnu-cobol/db.1.79.1.diff
run: patch -p0 < db.1.79.1.diff
cd db.1.79/PORT/linux
cd ../../test
make PORTDIR=../PORT/linux
sh run.test

Should see no errors.
If you have problems let me know.

Chad Slaughter wrote :>
>David Essex wrote :>
>>Has any one considered how gnu COBOL will handle indexed file processing ?
>>There are tools(GPL), such as db-1.85(1), which would help.

Chad Slaughter  -- slaught at advancenet.net

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