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Re: [GNU-COBOL] PIC -> edit masks -> a standard large numeric representation

Fred Mobach wrote:
> "David L. Nicol" wrote:
> > If we held everything as extensible ascii strings and
> > did decimal math on them it would be slow but we wouldn't have
> > to write the same methods multiple times.
> Do you mean you want to held the contents of the fields as defined by the data
> structures as extensible ascii strings or only intermediate fields which will be
> passed to the run-time system ?
> Regards,
> Fred Mobach

I'm not really clear on the boundaries of "run time system" I've been
talking about a conversion tool, the language into which the conversion
happens I am treating as a working black box
                      David Nicol 816.235.1187 nicold@umkc.edu
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   or just goofing off when tools and games have the same GUI. 
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