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Re: [GNU-COBOL] PIC -> edit masks -> a standard large numeric representation

David L. Nicol wrote :>
>"Edit masks"
>Sounds like a reasonable standard internal representation for
>numeric data would be a 64 bit integer and a 8-bit edit mask
>with bits in it set for the various switches.

yeah, this i sa good idea. we just used a double the first time
around. =) didnt quick cover the full range of vlaues but close
enough for govt work.

The one problem can be seen form the recent discussion about
the COMP cluase. Basically the clause deifnes exactly how much
stoarge is gogin to be used. While we can argue that 9 bytes
isnt that bit a deal, but the std does dictate that the program
can define the storage contsraints. its an issue.
NOW on the other hand, we can run forward with this idea of yours.
Then back track later.... run forward...get a feel for hte land
then back track. I am not sure which would be easier. *shrugs*

I went with the oduble before I knew about hte COMp clause..and other
fun things...something to think about.

>and the C compiler would worry about efficiency issues.

>      Vendor extensions are quicksand -- Chad Slaughter


Chad Slaughter  -- slaught at advancenet.net

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