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Re: [GNU-COBOL] New to list

When last we left our heros, they were speaking of:
> Is there a checklist of COBOL features?  COBOL doesn't have that many
> native data types, does it?  I have this idea that writing a COBOL to
> Perl
> translator would be a straightforward ten hours of iterating over pages
> of the spec and implementing them one by one.

	That's a nice _thought_.  There's a lot of pages of COBOL spec to 
	iterate over, however, and handwriting that much parser is no fun,
	and definitely more than a 10-hour job.  I'd have to argue that 
	Perl is probably not the best choice of languages to translate to, 
	just due to maintainability issues.  I love perl, but for something
	like this it seems that C is a much better choice for a language 
	to translate to.  (Not to mention a lot of work has already been
	done in that direction.)

PS>  David - I note that you're listed as the contact for KansasCity.pm...
     is KansasCity.pm an active group, and if so, are there any meetings 
     scheduled soon?  

Justin Ferguson - Tech. Analyst/Geek of All Trades   jferg@lusars.net
http://www.lusars.net/~jferg/                            jferg@geeks.com
A hollow voice says "Plugh".                                   jferg@acm.org 

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