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Re: [GNU-COBOL] Re: Laura Leaving GNU COBOL Project

I lied. this should be the last one.

Since laura left, I've been rather busy at work and havent had
the opportunity to deal with cobol as I need to.
I felt I should follow up to Tim's post and since I am doing cobol
tonight, I thought I'd clean out the mailbox and respond to all
mail. =)

Tim Josling wrote :>
>I would be interested to hear others' views and plans.

My plans, are to stick with cobol. I  have been working on the issues
of implementing the vairous features in C, working on plans to integrate
a front end in to the gcc back end, and generally tryigng to be a major
pain in laura's ass to get the fornt end going.

I started this project, because I lost a bet with Laura. =) I agreed
to help her with her pet proejct first, if she'd in turn help me down the
road. Well, now cobol has turned into my pet project and i'd like to
see if finished. My skills are with C,C++, understand arcane standard texts,
beings an asshole, understand technology, and reaserch. I have worked
out a lot of the problem with cobols implementation. The bottle neck has
been parse it. I've simple not understood parseing that well. I've tried to
help laura get the job down using various tools. We set out to use
a tool to make the job easier. And well here we are. =)

If pccts is the way to go, then thats fine, if its btyacc, thats cool,
if its a hand written parser...(I am going to be such a nazi about it)
but I am willing to accept that if someone wants to write it.
If someone does, thats cool.   I'll certainly help out all i can.

I think these past days little tirate has made one thing clear.
We have lots of cobol resources and lots of ppl to help implement it
but we need a front end. =) Micheal? Tim? anyone? Who wansts to take that
job? its up for grabs, some jump on it and go to it.

ppl who wnat to work on the back end and runtime systems....

tasks to do:
cobol numbers and strings...maybe do a storage unit, then sub class it for
nubmers the strings... 

files, is the big one, writing routines to do sequential, relative, and indexed
files. These ahve to be writtent up. these are also the big ones with no
current implementation. somebody help!!!! please!!!

docuemntation, getting ppl who need it the std.
I am willing to bend the rules...  =)

if you read this far...if you need a copy of the ansi std,
send me (slaught@advancenet.net) a personal email with your
snail mail address and I'll see what I can do. no promises..but maybe 
I can come up with something.

Chad Slaughter  -- slaught at advancenet.net

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