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Re: [GNU-COBOL] Re: Laura Leaving GNU COBOL Project

Chad Slaughter wrote:
> files, is the big one, writing routines to do sequential, relative, and indexed
> files. These ahve to be writtent up. these are also the big ones with no
> current implementation. somebody help!!!! please!!!

Here I'd like to play with some ideas. If I could choose, I'd like to do file
access using a database engine. And to be coherent, I'd choose PostgreSQL, which
is BSD-style free. But one could think that it is not enough freedom! So, why
not using ODBC or something similar? PostgreSQL has good ODBC support for Perl
(or should it be said Perl has good ODBC support for PostgreSQL?). It
(PostgreSQL) has also support for C/C++ access.

Some really cool things could be done if this two-layer scheme is implemented.
For instance, accessing the same database from diferent languages.

I could help. I'd like to hear what you think.



"Y con esto me despido
Sin expresar hasta cuando.
Siempre corta por lo blando
El que busca lo siguro;
Mas yo corto por lo duro,
Y ansí he de seguir cortando."

José Hernández - Martín Fierro

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