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Re: [GNU-COBOL] math library questions

Glen Colbert wrote :>

>> Chad:
>>Note: we don't have the std & practices in writing, but John you
>>know what we want, and we know how you write.
>>But the std & practice will be formalized as we have time.
>>The basics are: Readiable and maintainable code.
>>Readable and maintainable by "anyone", novice and expert.

>I once had a program refused for implementation because I used
>exponentiation (**) which made it unreadable by novice programmers.

umm, well I gues my defination of a novice and theirs is very different.

>Possibly we need to get the standards and practices in writing early on in
>the project.  The objective of making the code readable by anyone is
>enviable, but we do need to assume a degree of technical competence.  Who on

I do assume that a novice programmer has technical competence, else
they aren't a programmer. I know I am being vague, but I think that
readable code is not a fairy tale wish. I don't have time to
write or read copious amounts of external documentation and comments
to explain something that should be readable from the code.

>the team does the technical review?  Will these people also be respondible
>for publishing the coding standards?

That will probably fall on me. And it will probably be a week until I can
get a more accurate discription of the std & practices, but the one
above sums it up.

Chad Slaughter  -- slaught at umr.edu
<PGP public key available upon request>

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