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Re: [GNU-COBOL] Project Management

Glen Colbert wrote :>
>postings that I made earlier today.  These replies have given me reason to
>pause and consider how this project is being managed/implemented.

I can only assure you that you concerns are our concerns. And the issues
you have brought up have/are being considered. I know you have no reason
to believe me, but over the next week. Hopefully, we can convey our
vision and ideas to everyone in teh group and get a brain sync.
From what I know of the people in the project and what I have learned
from laura about you Glen, I think this is very doable.
I also think the group is more in-sync then may appear, and that we
share a common goal. The only issue is what roads do we take to
the goal. My preference is the shortest, smoothest path. 

>world problems in our industry in general is our tendency as technically
>oriented people to solve problems before they are clearly understood and

I think the main problem so far, is mis-communication between members of 
the team. And we are working on it. I think once that is fixed, you
will see the above problem is understood and work being done
to prevent it.

>It seems that most of the people involved with this project are students.

Not everyone. =)

>As a person with a lot of experience in this field, I want to point out to
>each and every one of you that there is a more significant opportunity here
>for you than just the development and implementation of a tool that (I
>believe) is desperately needed.  This is, possibly, the best chance that you

I agree.

>will have for the next five to ten years to experience project management
>and control.  While it may be difficult to believe, project management is as
>important a skill as the ability to solve and implement technical solutions.

Too bad you weren't in Rolla, to hear me lecture on just these issues.

>I can attest that project management skills will be one of the first things
>that you will need to demonstrate before being promoted to a senior analyst
>position.  Participating in the project management of this project will look
>MUCH better to future employers than writing libraries or defining grammars.

See you guys!*everyone at Rolla* I am right. =)

>I would propose that, for the short term, we all put our technical hats away
>and work toward helping Laura clearly define the scope and objectives of the

Hopefully, *crosses fingers* everyone will be getting a copy of the updated
objectives by tomorrow.

*spec stuff* I agree mostly with what you are saying. We'll get there. =)

>It seems to me that we are trying to write functional specifications and
>code before we have clearly designed the scope and objectives (don't take

I don't think thats what we are doing. I think if you got that impression,
you got the wrong one. Which furthers the point above about
lack of communication.

>this personally).  We need to all clearly agree on what we are trying to
>accomplish before spending a lot of effort that may be criticized and

agreed. =)

>discarded.  It is much easier to write it right the first time.  (Chad

I disagree with that. *shrugs*

>quoted someone named Brooks who said that you need to plan on writing it
>twice.  In the real world, nobody will pay for doing it twice.  Instead,
>they implement crappy systems that we all make a lot of money supporting

The quote was from Fred Brooks - "The Mythical Man Month"
*The* best book on project management. It is the bases for the project
mgmt style that is being used. If you haven't read it, go buy/borrow/steal
it today!

>later on).  It can be done right the first time.  I've seen it.  The
>critical factor is in investing in the design before coding to the code.
>I believe that, to succeed, we must desperately avoid the urge to start
>coding while Laura goes upstairs to figure out what we are supposed to be
>I am more than willing to help in this planning effort.  I would be pleased
>to participate as a facilitator to the project planning 'team.'  I think,

I don't want to get in to a discussion on the following... YET!
Please take a look at teh following URLS for those who want more info
on the project mgmt/orgini[zs]ational issues/software development process that 
is being targeted. 


Chad Slaughter  -- slaught at umr.edu
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