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Re: [GNU-COBOL] math library questions

> Chad:
>Well just as a side note. COBOL does have a floatin=point module, which
>is a required part of the intresic(ps) functions, thus the work is
>not going to be wasted.

This gets back to my poing about defining objectives.  Neither the ANSI74
nor the ANSI85 specifications make provision for floating point arithmatic.
These are extensions to Cobol provided by MicroFocus, Ryan McFarland, and
IBM VS Cobol II.  We need to define what it is that we are writing before
the accuracy of your statement can be determined.

As to intrinsic functions, I can't find any of them in the 85' standard that
require floating poing math.  I can, however, find a lot of them in MF, RM,
and VSII Cobol implementations.

>> John:
>>basically told to go fXXk myself.  As you can imagine, being told that
>>when I offered to write something the project HAS to have in order to be
>>COBOL dampened my enthusiasm considerably.

> Chad:
>On a side note. John, I welcome your help on the project BUT you
>will follow our coding standards and practices with out argument.
>If you are willing to do this, there are plenty of things for you
>to do.
>Note: we don't have the std & practices in writing, but John you
>know what we want, and we know how you write.
>But the std & practice will be formalized as we have time.
>The basics are: Readiable and maintainable code.
>Readable and maintainable by "anyone", novice and expert.

I once had a program refused for implementation because I used
exponentiation (**) which made it unreadable by novice programmers.
Possibly we need to get the standards and practices in writing early on in
the project.  The objective of making the code readable by anyone is
enviable, but we do need to assume a degree of technical competence.  Who on
the team does the technical review?  Will these people also be respondible
for publishing the coding standards?


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