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Re: [GNU-COBOL] math library questions

Glen Colbert wrote :>

>If the math library design is dependent on data types like u.long, long, and
>double, it is not a Cobol math library.  Cobol does character math (where

It doesn't.

>Trying to implement 'C' datatypes has been the shortfall of all of the
>previous failed attempts to write Cobol to C compilers that I have seen to

We are not doing this. We are using user defined types that implement
the cobol semantics of Numbers.

>Those people working on math library functions who are failing back on C
>data types need to carefully consider if their initial design concepts are

We have, don't worry. =)

Are goal is a math library that functions identically to std cobol

Chad Slaughter  -- slaught at umr.edu
<PGP public key available upon request>

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