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Re: [GNU-COBOL] Re: idiotproof? (fwd)

Glen Colbert wrote :>

>If we are writing Cobol (as opposed to something that looks like Cobol) all
>memory should be allocated at compile time.  The only run-time allocation

yes, we are aware of this. But in order to make development easier adn go 
faster. We are choosing to use dynamic memory at this time. This is
a rather complex problem, that will be addressed in time, just not right now.

Software is best developed incrementally . And as brook's said you are going to
write it twice so plan for it. This is the first iteration of the math
library. We plan to get it working, adn had the math semantics first,
then address the memory problem later. 

This goes for all the libraries, except the indexed file library
where the memory issue has already been addressed


Chad Slaughter  -- slaught at umr.edu
<PGP public key available upon request>

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