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[coldsync-hackers] vfs-console

 Hello guys,

    I've just added a new conduit to the CVS. It's called vfs-console
 and we are using it to perform some maintenance functions on SD cards.

  It's quite small and simple, but i thought it would have been useful
 to share it with others.

  Its usage is very simple. Add it to the conduit chain in your .coldsyncrc
 file (type: none;) and begin an hotsync process.

  When you read the

vfs-console: awaiting connection...

  on the coldsync's stdout, connect to the conduit with

 telnet localhost 12345
 nc localhost 12345)

  and write 'help' to get some help (doh!).

Your output will look like this:

Connected to inspiron.
Escape character is '^]'.
vfs-console 0.9 - Copyright (c) 2003 Tower Technologies
In case of panic, enter 'help'.
vfs> help

enum			Enumerate volumes (INVOKE THIS FIRST!)
info			Show colume infos
ls	[path]		Guess what?
get	<file>		Download a file (complete path, please)
help			This text	

vfs> enum
vfs> ls /PALM
Reading /PALM on volume 1...

[DIR] Launcher
[DIR] Programs
[DIR] TowerTech
vfs> ls /PALM/PDS
Reading /PALM/PDS on volume 1...

vfs> get /PALM/PDS/BBA6018E.pdb
File opened
Size: 2966
Read: 2966, 2966 to go.
Writing to /tmp/BBA6018E.pdb...
vfs> quit          
Connection closed by foreign host.


 Best regards,

 Alessandro Zummo,
  Tower Technologies - Turin, Italy

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