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Re: [coldsync-hackers] ColdSync::PDB and syncing with web-enabled groupware

On Saturday 04 October 2003 15:25, Nicola Fankhauser wrote:

> > I think that sync conduits tend to get something of a bad rap for
> > complexity. They're actually extremely simple to write from the API
> d'you know why? I can tell you: it's not documented. and pointing to the
> source code of coldsync itself is not exactly what I call motivating -
> the fetch/dump conduits on the other hand are fairly well documented,
> with examples and everything, so people just assume it must be horribly
> complicated, whithout even checking really. at least, that's how it was
> for me yesterday when I skimmed over the coldsync conduit how-to

I won't disagree entirely. The conduit documentation seemed somewhat 
outdated even before the last bunch of ColdSync::SPC additions.

On the other hand, I should point out that things like the ColdSync::PDB 
module and the modified record iterators that we're talking about didn't 
actually exist in ColdSync until a few months ago. You can obviously write 
a sync conduit without them, but complexity goes up and efficiency goes 

Of course, I'm biased here. I wrote those functions.

I especially wouldn't expect Andrew or Alessandro to be updating the 
documentation to talk about ColdSync::PDB, either. It's very new 
functionality, it hasn't been used very heavily (this would be the first 
discussion that mentions it since I announced it in June), and there's 
probably more important things either of them are doing (like keeping up 
with Palm's new hardware?)

> > Hmmm... You know, maybe I should code up a sample generic sync conduit
> > to demo the whole process?
> ahmm. that would be great, along with few lines documentation...

I'll see what I can come up with. A decent example shouldn't be hard. 
Expanding the documentation might be more problematic for me... I don't do 

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