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Re: [coldsync-hackers] Problems with Palm::Datebook

Oh.. I also tried on a linux box (changing the
appropriate path of course) with the exact same

--- "Shawn L." <hyloth@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hey everyone.. I'm new to the p5-palm package, so
> I'm
> hoping I'm missing one small detail after reading
> and
> googling.  I'm trying to insert dates into the
> datebook, but it keeps telling me that the records
> are
> empty everytime I do it.  Here is my code:
> #!C:\Perl\bin\perl.exe
> use Palm::Datebook;
> use Palm::StdAppInfo;
> use LWP::UserAgent;
> use Data::Dumper;
> use strict;
> ################ SETUP ##########################
> ### Change this to whatever your BACKUP directory
> is.... i.e.
> ### C:\Palm\Name\Backup\
> my $data_directory =
> 'C:\Progra~1\Palm\Shawn\Backup';
> ### The url the games list is at
> my $url = "http://someurl.com/palm_games.txt";;
> ################# END OF SETUP ##################
> ### Create a pdb to sync
> my $pdb = new Palm::StdAppInfo;
> ### Create a user agent object
> my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
> $ua->agent("GameGrabber/0.1");
> ### Create a request
> my $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $url);
> ### Pass a request to the user agent and get a
> response back.
> my $res = $ua->request($req);
> ### Save the contents of the page in a scalar
> my $text = $res->content;
> foreach my $line (split(/\n/, $text)) {
> 	### 
> 	my $record = $pdb->append_Record;
> 	my @game = split(/\|/, $line);
> 	$game[0] =~ m/(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)/;
> 	## Specify Day
> 	my ($day, $month, $year) = ($2, $1, $3);
> 	$record->{"day"} = $day;
> 	## Specify Month
> 	$record->{"month"} = $month;
> 	## Specify Year
> 	$record->{"year"} = $year;
> 	$record->{"description"} = $game[1];
> 	$record->{"note"} = $game[2];
> 	$record->{"alarm"} = {};
> 	$record->{"start_hour"} = 255;
> 	$record->{"start_minute"} = 255;
> 	$record->{"end_hour"} = 255;
> 	$record->{"end_minute"} = 255;
> 	$record->{"category"} = 0;
> 	$record->{"attributes"}{"dirty"} = 1;
> }
> $pdb->Write("$data_directory/DateBookDB.pdb");
> ##### END #####
> Here is what it tells me everytime:
> C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop>perl
> test.pl
>                                  at
> C:/Perl/site/lib/Palm/PDB.pm line 1125.
> Write: Warning: record 0x00000000 has length 0
> 1 at C:/Perl/site/lib/Palm/PDB.pm line 1187.
> Write: Warning: record 0x00000000 has length 0
> 1 at C:/Perl/site/lib/Palm/PDB.pm line 1187.
> Write: Warning: record 0x00000000 has length 0
> 1 at C:/Perl/site/lib/Palm/PDB.pm line 1187.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks,
> looker
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