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RE: gnubol: Sequential File I/O plans

Having just read this old note, have "you all" come across the "same record
area" clause yet?  This may (or may not) impact how you handle your buffers.
This is NOT a particularly commonly used phrase - but it is part of the
Standard (current and next) and does impact some semantics.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-gnu-cobol@wallace.lusars.net
> [mailto:owner-gnu-cobol@wallace.lusars.net]On Behalf Of Matthew Vanecek
> Sent: Monday, May 15, 2000 11:49 PM
> To: GNU Cobol Mailing List
> Subject: gnubol: Sequential File I/O plans
> Here's what I've put together, after some research into how others do
> it, and into the specification, both in the latest draft, and in
> MicroFocus System Reference manuals.  I appreciate feedback, before I
> get too far in a coding frenzy. ;)
> 1) All file information will be parsed into a structure.
> 2) Said structure will contain the physical file name (or device), any
> flags
>    to be associated with the file, the read or write buffers (or
> pointers to,
>    rather).  The file descriptor (either int or FILE *, depending on
> best
>    implementation) will be held in the structure, as well.  Lastly, the
>    structure will contain a pointer to the 01 level data group for the
> FD for
>    the file.
> 3) OPENs will work on the file descriptor associated with the filename.
> It will
>    (f?)open the file according to the flags in the struct. INPUT,
>    and EXTEND will set "r", "w", "rw", and a flags, appropriately.  If
> we go
>    with the low level open() call, then the appropriate flags would be
> ORed, of
>    course. When a file is opened, an 'open' flag should be set. Multiple
> calls
>    to OPEN without first CLOSEing the file will result in an error.
> This is, I
>    believe, the behavior of most, if not all, major COBOL compilers.
> 4) READs will read each sequential record into the buffers--default will
> be two
>    at a time.  This will be adjustable, of course.  A marker will keep
> track of
>    which buffer is being accessed.  Successive READs will use the data
> in the
>    read buffers until they are empty, at which time the marker will be
> reset to
>    the first buffer, and the buffers filled.  I haven't worked out the
> best
>    way to handle the group item defined in the FD--whether to make it a
> pointer
>    to the current buffer, or to make it a separate area into which
> records are
>    read.  In either case, in the case of READ INTO statements, the
> record will
>    be moved from the FD description area to the WORKING-STORAGE area,
> being
>    truncated or padded as necessary.  The mechanics or READs are, of
> course,
>    open to suggestion.  I feel, however, that the above most closely
> represents
>    the behavior of other mainstream COBOL implementations.
> 5) WRITEs will be handled in much the same way as READs.  The buffers
> will be
>    written to the file once all the buffers are full.  WRITE FROMs will
> be
>    moved to the buffer areas for writing. The buffer marker will then be
> moved
>    to the next empty buffer.  If the buffers are full, they will be
> flushed to
>    disk, cleared, and the buffer marker set to the first buffer.
> 6) CLOSEs will be just a regular close().  First, flush the buffers to
> disk,
>    then close() the file handle, and unset the OPEN flag.
> As far as parsing goes, when the SELECT clause is parsed, the structure
> will
> be named from identifier name.  There will *need* to be a flag set and
> there
> must be a way to ensure that all SELECTs have an accompanying FD in the
> SECTION.  Going the other way should be fairly simple, but there needs
> to be a
> mechanism, when the end of the FILE SECTION is reached, and all the FDs
> have been parsed, for checking that each SELECT has a corresponding FD.
> E.g.,
> if I parse an FD on OUT-FILE, but no structure for OUT-FILE exists, it's
> pretty
> easy to generate an appropriate error.  But if I have a SELECT for
> and reach the WORKING-STORAGE SECTION without encountering an FD for
> there needs to be a syntax error generated.  Just food for thought, and
> not
> immediately pressing, of course.
> Regarding relative and indexed files, I have a couple of suggestions.
> My
> understanding of relative access is that you are just seeking to a
> specific
> offset, calculated by some pre-determined value.  This means it could
> probably
> just be a flatfile, and we could fseek to whatever calculated offset
> came up.
> It's been a while since I've done anything at all with relative files,
> so...
> For indexed files, there seems to be a couple of different methods.
> Well, one,
> really--using db libraries.  My suggestion here is to use gdbm, but
> there may
> be a way to specify at runtime which library should be used to read in
> an
> indexed file.  That would be best, I think, if it could be done
> efficiently.  Similar structures for these filetypes could be used as
> what I am planning on using for sequential file I/O.
> Now, my last concern is how to get all this off in a runtime library,
> supposing
> it needs to be. Is this type of operation something that should be in
> RTL, or
> would it be better to just put it in the binary?  OPENs, et al, are
> pretty
> common, so it might be better to put it in its own library, along with
> other
> common COBOL functions.  I'm open to guidance on that, and it's probably
> not
> a real pressing concern, until I actually have some working code.
> Anyhow, those're my ideas, and, barring objections or a better, more
> efficient
> way, the direction I intend to work on.  I'll put together the additions
> for
> parser, based on what's already in the grammar.  I'm going to put all
> that I
> can out in secondary source files, making the parser call the functions
> as
> needed.  This will keep the parser a lot cleaner, and also help promote
> a
> better, more malleable interface, without causing unnecessary changes to
> the
> parser.
> --
> Matthew Vanecek
> Visit my Website at http://mysite.directlink.net/linuxguy
> For answers type: perl -e 'print
> $i=pack(c5,(41*2),sqrt(7056),(unpack(c,H)-2),oct(115),10);'
> *****************************************************************
> For 93 million miles, there is nothing between the sun and my shadow
> except me. I'm always getting in the way of something...
> --
> This message was sent through the gnu-cobol mailing list.  To
> remove yourself
> from this mailing list, send a message to majordomo@lusars.net with the
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