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Re: gnubol: Re: GNU COBOL Web Page

>>>>> "Justin" == Justin C Ferguson <jferg@lusArs.net>
>>>>> wrote the following on Mon, 6 Dec 1999 19:54:06 -0600

  Justin> 	Bill - Technically, I sort of own the pages at the
  Justin> moment, and do actually intend to get them updated one of
  Justin> these decades.  ;-> I've started on a much-revised version,
  Justin> and am slowly making some progress on it.  (Last week just
  Justin> turned _really_ busy at work, and I didn't have a chance to
  Justin> get as much done on it as I'd hoped.)  I don't see myself
  Justin> having time to get it finished this week, but if all goes
  Justin> well I should have a chance to get something out by next
  Justin> week.  I also hope to have the CVS archive back up at some
  Justin> point in the vaguely near future.

  Justin> 								JF

Justin, I think it's about time to let people snipe at the pccts
grammar.  Can you find a place for it on the GNU COBOL page?  The
directory occupies about 46K, a gzipped tar, about 12.5K.



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