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Re: gnubol: Re: GNU COBOL Web Page

When last we left our heros, they were speaking of:
> Justin, I think it's about time to let people snipe at the pccts
> grammar.  Can you find a place for it on the GNU COBOL page?  The
> directory occupies about 46K, a gzipped tar, about 12.5K.

	Sure - If you want to e-mail me a tarball of it, I'll get it put up


  Justin Ferguson - Geek of All Trades - Technical Solutions Consultant
http://www.lusArs.net/jferg/        <jferg@geeks.com>  <jferg@lusArs.net> 
"I once successfully declined a departmental retreat, saying that on that
        day I planned instead to advance." -- Alan J. Rosenthal, ASR

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