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Not long (Re: gnubol: New bison Grammar available (long))

At 12:08 AM 12/26/99 EST, RKRayhawk@aol.com wrote:
>The COBOL programs themselves do not have to be 
>efficient (although the more efficient the better), but the development
>must be efficient. The COBOL subset components will not be efficient. We are 
>in a deep trough anyway since we plan to go through GNU C at the back end.

As a Compiler writer who is also a COBOL programmer and in touch with other
COBOL programmers, I happen to disagree with Bob on the effiency
requirement from a COBOL compiler.  I judge any compiler by its two primary

1. As a programming tool it has to be rapid, have robust error messages and
error recovery, including, as many compilers do, suggestions for program
improvements that can be derived from control flow analyses, and other
optimization passes.

2. As a development tool, a compiler has to generate efficient code.  I
have recently seen a COBOL program come in for Y2K repair, whose previous
compile date was in 1968.  The longevity of program use is a very strong
argument for their efficiency.  Even though machines are getting faster,
computer companies investing mega bucks in optimization, and customers are
slow in adopting OO and other advanced technologies, because of poor

I am quite sure that most experienced COBOL programmers will quickly "see
through" any compiler that doesn't generate efficient code.

BTW, I agree with Bob that it would be better to write the compiler using
the standard C based compiler writing tools.  We can leave plenty of work
for COBOL contributers in the writing of Runtime components and tests.

J & C Migrations, Pty.          
566 Centre Street               http://www.jcmigrations.com
Newton, MA 02458-2325           Tel. +1 (617) 916-5114
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