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gnubol: SEARCH and EVALUATE - Test Results

NetExpress compiled the two sample programs "cleanly" and as expected, issued
"nonconforming" messages when compiled with their ANSI/FIPS flagging message.
IBM gave E-level messages (listings follow).  The one INTERESTING (surprising
to me) report is that the initial report is that CA-Realia *also* compiled
with no error.  I will follow up on that one (but it may be that they are
"competing" with Micro Focus and have copied their extension.)

IBM Listings Follow: (sorry about formatting, but they assume 132/133
character print trains):

 000001         000100 IDENTIFICATION DIVISION.
   000002         000200 PROGRAM-ID. WB1.
   000003         000300 DATA DIVISION.
   000004         000400 WORKING-STORAGE SECTION.
   000005         000500 01  a.
   000006         000600   03  b occurs 10 indexed by ix pic x.
   000007         000700 01  a2.
   000008         000800   03  b2 occurs 10 indexed by ix2 pic x.
   000009         000900 01  c   pic 9.
   000010         001000 PROCEDURE DIVISION.
   000011         001100 001.
   000012         001200     move "1234567890" to a.
   000013         001300     search b
   000014         001400            when b (ix) = "6"
   000015      1  001500                 set c to ix
   000016      1  001600                 evaluate true

 ==000016==> IGYPS2112-E The "EVALUATE" verb did not have a matching scope
terminator.  A scope
                         terminator was inserted on line 24.  The execution
results may not be

   000017      1  001700                     when c = 1
   000018      2  001800                          display "surprise"
   000019      1  001900                     when c = 6
   000020      2  002000                          display "no surprise"
   000021      1  002100                     when other
   000022      2  002200                          display "surprise"
   000023         002300***               end-evaluate
   000024         002400            when b (ix) = "7"
   000025      1  002500                  display "5 found"
   000026         002600     .
1PP 5648-A25 IBM COBOL for OS/390 & VM  2.1.1                   WB1
Date 12/11/1999  Time 14:42:09   Page     4
0LineID  Message code  Message text

     16  IGYPS2112-E   The "EVALUATE" verb did not have a matching scope
terminator.  A scope terminator was inserted on
                       The execution results may not be correct.
-Messages    Total    Informational    Warning    Error    Severe
0Printed:       1                                    1


  000001         000100 IDENTIFICATION DIVISION.
   000002         000200 PROGRAM-ID. WB2.
   000003         000300 DATA DIVISION.
   000004         000400 WORKING-STORAGE SECTION.
   000005         000500 01  a.
   000006         000600   03  b occurs 10 indexed by ix pic x.
   000007         000700 01  a2.
   000008         000800   03  b2 occurs 10 indexed by ix2 pic x.
   000009         000900 01  c   pic 9.
   000010         001000 PROCEDURE DIVISION.
   000011         001100 001.
   000012         001200     move "1234567890" to a.
   000013         001300     search b
   000014         001400            when b (ix) = "6"
   000015      1  001500                 set c to ix
   000016      1  001600                 evaluate true

 ==000016==> IGYPS2112-E The "EVALUATE" verb did not have a matching scope
terminator.  A scope
                         terminator was inserted on line 26.  The execution
results may not be

   000017      1  001700                     when c = 1
   000018      2  001800                          display "surprise"
   000019      1  001900                     when c = 6
   000020      2  002000                          display "no surprise"
   000021         002100***                 when other
   000022         002200***                       display "surprise"
   000023         002300***               end-evaluate
   000024      1  002400            when b (ix) = "7"
   000025      2  002500                  display "5 found"
   000026         002600     .
1PP 5648-A25 IBM COBOL for OS/390 & VM  2.1.1                   WB2
Date 12/11/1999  Time 14:42:14   Page     4
0LineID  Message code  Message text

     16  IGYPS2112-E   The "EVALUATE" verb did not have a matching scope
terminator.  A scope terminator was inserted on
                       The execution results may not be correct.
-Messages    Total    Informational    Warning    Error    Severe
0Printed:       1                                    1

Bill Klein
  wmklein <at> ix.netcom.com

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