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Re: gnubol: Consensus and team structure

Tim Josling wrote on 07/12/99:

> This brings to mind a problem. Numerous people have stated an interest in
> contributing. Several people suggested pick an area (validating PIC strings
> example) and do it. But none of them have contributed any code. Why? Are we
> giving enough direction or structure, or do they think we are not going
> or are they too shy to expose their (imperfect - like my code) code to
> How can we encourage contributions?
> Possibly having something that actually does something that is soundly based
> help. Any other ideas? I would be interested in some specific feedback from
> people who are interested in contributing as to what they would need to be
> provided with. If you are out there and you need a spec, you only need to ask.
> can give you a small task so you can see if you like it and we can see what
> can do.
> Perhaps it might be a good time to ask who is out there and what contribution
> they want to make and what skills they have. I do not mean that in the sense
> people 'should' contribute at all. If anyone wants to contribute in whatever
> they can (whether for being language experts, experts in compiler technology,
> documentors, users, designers/coders, ideas people, etc) that's good. If they
> just want to observe for their own amusement or education that's good too.

Possibly some of the ones who have offered to contribute but have not
contributed any code are unable to "contribute" possibly in the way you mean,

From my own perspective, I joined this discussion thread also as a "fellow
traveller" and found a whole bunch of talented people discussing things which
are deep and meaningful but generally beyond my ken. I would dearly love to
contribute, but right now I find the whole discussion a bit beyond my reach. I
am a COBOL programmer, self taught, who has made a good living out of it for the
past 15 years or so. I have had experience with quite a few COBOL compilers on
quite a few platforms, but the key word here is "COBOL". I don't know C and I
always thought that bison was an animal which used to be plentiful in America.

I have always believed in "blessed is he who has nothing to say yet cannot be
persuaded to say it" (Hezekiah 1:2). I also believe that "too many cooks spoil
the gravy", yet I still wish to contribute.

It's a bit like skipping rope in a group - come in when you're ready.

Perhaps at some point there may be a niche for me where I can test, document or
just use and, if so, be able to criticise constructively and generally proact.

Until then, I'll keep quiet - interested but quiet. At least I can admire the
superior (if imperfect) skills of people like you, Michael, Bob Rayhawk (does he
ever pause for breath?) and others.

Fred Neale

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