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Re: gnubol: X-WHEN stack

OK I think I understand. What about this though?

evaluate true
   when a1 = a2
     search b varying ix
         when b(ix) = 1
         when <* confused right here
                     display ....

The lexer has to pass the type of 'when', but it has not seen the 'other' which
tells the reader that the when belongs to the evaluate: 'when other' is not valid
as part of search. And it is not just one token of lookahead, although I hesitate
to claim it is 'infinite'. You can look more than one token ahead but then you
are writing my prescanner.

Is the new floating comment delimiter (see above) tacky or what?

Tim Josling

RKRayhawk@aol.com wrote:

> Tim, you had asked for further comment about the X-WHEN stack idea. Hope this
> helps.


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