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Re: gnubol: IBM nests conditionals

In the long dragon test case Tim posted there is a small item worth noting 

In a message dated 12/6/99 8:29:16 AM EST, TIMJOSLING@prodigy.net writes:

<<    000010                PROCEDURE DIVISION.
    000011                001.
    000012                    MOVE 8 TO X
 Z                                                          6 8
    000013                    MOVE 9 TO W
 Y                                                          5 7
    000015                    ADD 1 TO
 W                                                             5
    000016                       SIZE ERROR
    000017      1                DISPLAY "OVERFLOW ON W"
    000019      1                ADD 1 TO
 X                                                          6
    000020      1                   SIZE ERROR
    000021      2                   DISPLAY "OOPS - UNEXPECTED RESULT"
    000023      1                   NOT SIZE ERROR
    000024      2                   DISPLAY "NO OVERFLOW ON X"
    000026      2                   ADD 1 TO
 Y                                                       7
    000027      2                      SIZE ERROR
    000028      3                      DISPLAY "OVERFLOW ON Y"
    000030      3                      ADD 1 TO
 Z                                                    8
    000031      3                          SIZE ERROR
    000032      4                          DISPLAY "OOPS - UNEXPECTED RESULT"
    000034      3                          NOT SIZE ERROR
    000035      4                          DISPLAY "NO OVERFLOW ON Z"
    000036      4                          DISPLAY "RIGHT ASSOCIATION IS
    000038      2                      NOT SIZE ERROR
    000039      3                      DISPLAY "OOPS - UNEXPECTED RESULT"
    000041                       NOT SIZE ERROR
    000042      1                DISPLAY "OOPS - UNEXPECTED RESULT"
    000044                    END-ADD
    000046                .
      19  IGYPS2112-E   The "ADD" verb did not have a matching scope 
 A scope terminator was inserted on line 41.  The
                        execution results may not be correct.
                        Same message on line:     26
      30  IGYPS2112-E   The "ADD" verb did not have a matching scope 
 A scope terminator was inserted on line 38.  The
                        execution results may not be correct.

It may be worthwhile to study the way the line 30 error reduced to a 
diagnosible syntax at line 38. The compiler is not leaving an audit trail 
here for us, but when you study this thing the product seems to have kept 
track of things in a very deep manner. 

Line 38 is a NOT ON SIZE error clause, so a clause of an outer statement is 
triggering the reduction of the inner conditional arithmentic. So note that 
it is not just a verb that reduces the foregoing syntax, but the next  clause 
of an outer statement.  I think that clause belongs to the ADD arithmetic 
that commences on line 26. _That_ arithmetic is contained in yet another more 
outer arithmetic's conditional clause.

This vendor is parsing deeply nested conditionals. Which is quite relevant to 
some comments in our work to the effect that some think we do not need to 
nest conditionals. Bunches of mainframe code has nested conditionals of every 
veriety. SEARCHES in EVALUATES and EVALUATES in SEARCHES, for example.

I do not think that three level deep situations are at all rare!  We do _not_ 
have problems like 

but we have plenty of  things like 
nested along conditional branches, some portion of which is not conveniently 
marked with the explicit scope terminators that we might prefer.

My own concern about the arithmetic conditionals was that their might be 
different semantics (at just two levels of depth).  I was wrong.  But even at 
that, the basic issue was at just two levels of depth on related conditionals 
(related by the common interior glue pattern, such as the arithmetics are 
commonly glued by [NOT] ON SIZE ERROR).

But when you get into the nesting of distinct categories of conditionals this 
is a very different issue.

An unterminated conditional is a loose end of sorts. The compilers, I think 
in general, are not at all concerned about a loose end that is only one level 

The distinction we need to make here, though, is that multi-level loose ends 
are of two very different varieties.

When we have two loose ends back to back, we have a real problem when they 
are of the same type of conditional; as in
   ADD ... ADD....
because it is not only loose but the bind point of the conditional following 
the second (or nth) verb is ambiguous.

We do not have this problem when the conditions are in different families, as 
   READ ... ADD ...
because the ADD's conditional ([NOT] ON SIZE ERROR) can not bind back to the 
READ, there is no ambiguity. (You can like this or hate it, I am just 
pointing out that there is no ambiguity, so it is a different kind of 

So the discussion about nesting arithmetics that we have been having does not 
at all mean we can not nest conditioals. In that regard there is a large code 
base issue.

I am not certain that the mainframe product flags all nested conditionals. It 
is probably flagging ambiguous combinations.  Like ADD ... ADD... and READ 
... READ ... with two or more levels of unterminated conditionals.

Beyond all that I think we need to nest conditional grammar rules in 
conditional grammar rules just to keep the parser on it's feet when junk 
arrives. So we need to code that much complexity anyway.

Thus are task becomes, IMHO, 1) nest, 2) detect and crater ambiguous 
conditional nesting, 3) maybe detect and maybe warn on harmless unambiguous 
nesting of conditionals.

Also of note is the extremely subtle fact revealed by the listing showing 
three errors that are exactly the same, but the advance 
repetition-suppression algorithm sees that only the first two are really the 
same and the third is different! 

The difference is the end point. The problem on line 19 and the problem on 26 
are the same problem AND both end at line 41. The very nearly same problem on 
line 30 is differently only because it ends on line 38. That is not laziness, 
that is extra hard work in the error printing routines!  They avoided 
suppressing the third messages, which is very useful.

But something else is revealed here. Line 19 and line 26 each commence a 
concurrent scope that runs for some duration, indeed surviving the totality 
of the internal matter, error trapping and all. But then notice that both 
scopes reduce at the same point, line 41.  That is instructive.

The NOT SIZE ERROR constitutes the lack of the lookahead token END-ADD. The 
absence of the token, and the presence of NOT .... reduces them. That is 
quite impressive.
(They must have competing rules one that will shift when it finds the 
expliciti scope terminator, and one that reduces when it sees this [NOT] ON 
SIZE ERROR), and diagnose it).

One of those cocurrent scopes would shift if it saw END-ADD. That would have 
to be the inner statement, commencing on Line 26. But it does not. A 
competing rule reduces, and must reduce first before the concurrent rule 
relating to Line 19, even though the error message is made to be listed in 
line number order. And though we at the source code level think of this as 
happening at the same point the inner reduction happens first, and allows the 
recurse to move up a level and the outer scope (commencing on Line 19) being 
viewed as tow competitibe rules one looking to shift a terminator, one 
looking to reduce, now reduces at a separate time; next after the inner scope 
reduced. That is no small achievement.  Because of my lack of familiarity 
with the LL tools I can not see any chance of this happening in PCCTS. LR 
tools like bison might make it as the stack gets the symbol from the inner 
reduction and has not yet consumed the lookahead ([NOT] ON ...), which 
precipitates yet another reduction.

When nesting related conditionals, that are common by the syntax pattern that 
binds alternate conditional phrases,
I believe our concensus is to lean the grammar towards binding these loose 
ends inward. Some are saying accept the two level conditionals as extensions 
but flag them, similar to MIcro Focus extensions. (Perhaps some posters are 
actually intending to say accept n levels, but that is a separate issue, 
IMHO). Other posters seem to lean towards trapping these as errors.

By concensus, I think we are arriving at a point where no one wants to bind 

We have not reached a concensus on nesting unrelated conditionals more 
generally. That discussion has begun to move across much more terrain and has 
encounterd the S/E E/S WHEN conundrum and the specialized issues of WHEN 
OTHER, and optional explicit scope terminators for S & E. And it will 
prolably get more complex.

Bob Rayhawk

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