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RE: gnubol: How do we parse this language, anyway?

>>> "William M. Klein" <wmklein@ix.netcom.com> 12/03/99 11:19PM >>>
  WMK > P.S. For example, I will certainly support the following fairly common
  WMK > extensions:
  WMK >    GoBack
  WMK >    Comp-3 (as Packed-Decimal)
  WMK >    Comp-1 and Comp-2 (as floating point)
  WMK >    Comp-5 (as defined in X/Open CAE)
  WMK >    Trunc/Notrunc compiler option
  WMK >    Use of apostrophe (single quote) in addition to quotation mark
  WMK >    inline comments
  WMK >    z-literals (null-terminated strings - can also be done with Concatenation
  WMK > expressions)
  WMK >    and MANY others (from IBM, from Micro Focus, from X/Open, from draft of
  WMK > next Standard, etc)

Could I also suggest COMP-6 from mbpCOBOL.  Works like COMP-3 except that it can never have a sign.  Useful for things like rolling counter or serial numbers (think of your cars odometer) where one doesn't need a sign.

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