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Re: gnubol: refmod again (fwd)
At 08:47 AM 12/1/99 -0500, Michael McKernan wrote:
>>>>>> "Jonathon" == J & C Migrations, Pty <migrate@tiac.net>
>>>>>> wrote the following on Wed, 01 Dec 1999 08:16:16 -0500
> Jonathon> At 07:36 AM 12/1/99 -0500, Michael McKernan wrote:
> >> Interesting and something we'd probably like to adopt. How do
> >> we deal with the "comma is noise" problem?
> Jonathon> According to the standard, comma is white space when
> Jonathon> followed by space. Don't you just make it the first case
> Jonathon> in the lexical white space production?
> Jonathon>
>That's the problem, Jonathon. How do we make that ruling compatible
>with general expressons as subscripts? What separates the expression
>Best regards,
You got me confused, Mike. Maybe its because I haven't unified my parser
and lexer phases? The lexer is responsible for interpreting the source
string ", " as equivalent to " " whenever it is NOT inside a quoted
literal. The parser is responsible for allowing expression lists inside
Function parentheses, just as it is responsible for allowing identifier
lists after an ADD's GIVING phrase.
When you are inside a Function's parentheses, you are looking for one or
more expressions, which in the standard appears as:
{expression} ...
The expression list is terminated by the right-parenthesis, which is much
simpler than the termination of an identifier list as above (which can be
terminated by practically any reserved word, as well as a period, EOF, or
possibly even an A-margin.
J & C Migrations, Pty.
566 Centre Street http://www.jcmigrations.com
Newton, MA 02458-2325 Tel. +1 (617) 916-5114
USA Fax. +1 (617) 916-5113
E-mail: mailto:jb@jcmigrations.com
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