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Re: gnubol: Anyone actually working on Cobol


I suspect that while it may be a pain, it would turn out to be the best way in the long run.  Plus it would allow for more "individual" COBOL grammers to exist.  If I want a verb PREFORM to mean the same thing as PERFORM (cause I have real trouble spelling <g>), with a modular approach I could easily (well easier than rewriting the whole thing) add it in.

I suspect that the other advantage would be that as the standards change, it would simplify updating the compiler to the new standards.

Don't you think?

>>> "Justin C. Ferguson" <jferg@lusArs.net> 11/10/99 09:38PM >>>
When last we left our heros, they were speaking of:
> This means that development would be restricted to the 'gnu
> cobol' environment which will probably only run in Unix, or in
> the cygwin32 environment in Win32. Is everyone happy with that?

> If not perhaps we should support something for which compilers
> are available now. What do people think? 

 Don't know about the technical feasability of it, but what about a 
 modular system... The base system supports what's in the standard 
 only, but we allow add-on modules to make it compatible with 
 the various commercial compilers...would probably be a real pain
 in the ass to do, but would be cool.


  Justin Ferguson - Geek of All Trades - Technical Solutions Consultant
http://www.lusArs.net/jferg/        <jferg@geeks.com>  <jferg@lusArs.net> 
                     A hollow voice says, "Plugh".

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