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gnubol: Re: [GNU-COBOL] Purpose of the [gnu-cobol] list

hello all,

I've been extremely busy at work this past couple fo days and havent
been able to read every message. But this did catch my attention as well
as a few others. Also if you have anything for me personally to see,
email me directly. I wont be able to read the list again til later this 
week. I ahve the "privliage" at work to learn hyperion essbase and
develop a prototype DSS with it by thursday. oh joy!  I was handed the 
product today to "become familiar with"  =) enough of my problems.

I dont think its out of line to restrict teh discussion of basic 
cobol concepts. If you have questions consult the std or a cobol book.
If you dont have acopy of the std. let me know in private email.
I can get you a copy very quickly. At least get it into the mail within
one day. 

If the std is very clear on teh defination then I think their is little to 
discuss beyond pointing out teh relativent chapeter/verse of the std. 
Then discusses HOW to go about impl the parse of said issue or the impl
or both.

I think the big issue is to referecen all your questions and answers
with the std, as appropriate. Also, use the std page number convention.
It uses roman and arabic numerials for chapter-page. So be sure
and continue with that convention. Make teh roman numerals all uppercase
so we can be more disticnt. 

I think by doing this the discussions will flow more quickly, more information
will be build up. Also, we may just be able to cut an dpaste the mailing
list into the irst programmers manual. =)

Just so there is no misunderstanding.
All I am asking is that everyone please try to reference the std in all
questions and answers. The answers are more important then the questiosn, 
obviously. But if you have a question about the std. just refernece teh page
number and maybe a "wtf?" and it'll help to focus the discussion more
when delaing with the language issues.

Also, for those that dont know. news:comp.lang.cobol is an excellent place
to discuss the more esoteric areas of cobol. I think any confusion with
the std, should be run by that group first, before any desicion is made.

comments? questions? 
Just my two cents for the day.

Randall Bart wrote :>
>I don't want to offend anyone, but I want to complain about some of the 
>messages on the GNU-COBOL list.  The purpose of this list is to write a 
>Cobol compiler, not to teach Cobol to newbies.  We should be discussing the 
>more unusual parts of the language, and the gotchas of parsing the 
>syntax.  We should not be talking about elementary elements that should be 
>known by anyone who has passed a 3 unit beginning Cobol course.

Chad Slaughter  -- slaught at advancenet.net

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