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Re: [GNU-COBOL] Re: Laura Leaving GNU COBOL Project

Boris Kortiak wrote :>
>>>> "Justin C. Ferguson" <jferg@lusArs.net> 10/27/99 11:59AM >>>
>When last we left our heros, they were speaking of:
> Another thing on the TODO list should probably be a screen 
> manipulation library, yes/no?
>I don't think screens are part of the 85 standard, are they?  Would be a VERY useful extension.

the screen manipulation isnt part of the ansi 85, but it is part of 
the X/OPen cobol standard..whcih we flirted with implementing along with
ansi 85, as they are mostly identical. X/Open is also geared towards unix
so we were going to use it as a reference as well.

So Justin got hte idea of the screen stuff form me. sorry for any confusion

Chad Slaughter  -- slaught at advancenet.net

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