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Re: [GNU-COBOL] GNU-COBOL list reborn

Boris Kortiak wrote :>
>Just curious.  From the various discussions I've read here it would appear that different parts of parsing the grammar are problems for different techniques.
>Would it be possible to split up the job?  Have one parser take care of simplifying one part of a source and then pass it on to the next parser which can handle the output of the first plus, at least some of, what's left of the original COBOL?

that was one line of inquiry that laura explored. Using multiple parsers
to do the job. Now using multi-parsers of different types..i am not sure
that woudl be possible..hmmm...interesting... id ont see why not...nothgin
theorically standing in the way..if they share a common scanner...dont
see why not...bnut one possiblilty is to have multi say, bison parsers
that handle various point of the grammers, then havea master parser(maybe
ahnd writtent) switch between the differ parsers...
then they all build a single AST or something...maybe one
pass generateion...

definatly something to consider.

>I know that many compilers I have used have used multiple steps to compile programs (as many as 16), I wonder if this might be why?

Chad Slaughter  -- slaught at advancenet.net

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