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Re: [GNU-COBOL] New to list

David L. Nicol wrote :>
>Chad Slaughter wrote:
>> David L. Nicol wrote :>
>> >Is there a checklist of COBOL features?  COBOL doesn't have that many
>> Yes, the ANSI Cobol standard plus addendums.
>And is that on, like, our web site (like Tom Christensen's unix

i wish. I am not sure what project you are speaking of I could find
no reference to it, if you have aurl, please send it to me.

>> data types isn't the correct term: COBOL has variable storage and
>> it has files.
>Yeah, I'm shamelessly whittling on a square pegs

that ok. =)

>> the pic clasue restricts what a valid value is in a storage unit,
>So storage units have associated with them a restriction clause, which
>consulted at every assignment event to throw an exception of some kind.

welll...sort of... its not C++ or java exceptions...

...well its not just consulted at assignment...its consulted as part
of every operation... more or less... =) I know i am being vague..but I
dont want to give you the wrong idea...i could be more specific..but
i would end up quoting the  std, which I am more then happy
to do...but i dont feel like that much typing. hehehe

>> Also, if you'd like to borrow my copy of the Cobol std, I can arrange to
>> let you look at it.
>I copied off Linda Hall Library's copy -- I don't have context for
>it though, and I don't have any example programs to work on.  With an

I am sure any one on the list can find an example program for you. I'll
dig up the url for the cobol referecne test program...or what
ever its acalled...does any one have that I can't fin dit..umm
its like form nist, its this like big ass cobol progrma that tests
implementations for conformance.???

>example program to translate I could do a subset of the keywords and
all the keywords are listed in the std. or if you pick up a book
on learngin cobol you'll find most of the info, too.

>build a framework for implementation of the rest of them.  I was shocked
>that ANSI wanted $98 to let me download it in postscript format.  What


>is the copyright status of an ANSI standard?  I mean, if I transcribe

copyright is  owned by ANSI.

>page into an e-mail and send it to egroups list, have I done something
>actionable?  Does someone have the ANSI $98 downloadable file to

i think so. I think thats the point of copyright. =)


yes i do have it and as far as liberating it, i doubt thats possible without
ANSI getting really pissed off.

This is a problem that needs to be worked out.
How to get everyone a copy of the std, without killing my bank acct?

Chad Slaughter  -- slaught at advancenet.net

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