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Re: [GNU-COBOL] GNU-COBOL list reborn

Michael McKernan wrote :>
>Well, this is a marvelously refreshing change for this long dormant
>list.  Let's hear it for the new guys!  Actually, the list is 66%
>larger than it was when I last checked early in September, which I'll
>take as a very hopeful sign.
>Chad, do you really think parsing COBOL is such a bear?  I have

I think it is. but then again I am not really into the front end.
I have always adn will remain in the back end  by implementing
the cobol functionality in c/c++.

>always considered it a fairly modest part of the compiler effort, and
funny, I have always thought of it as the hardest part. =)

>I've always had to do it without tools.  As you may remember, I am
>your resident pccts champion, and I consider pccts particularly well
>suited to COBOL.  Did you ever apply the patches to the old grammar
>that I sent you a few months ago?

yes,  I do remember. No, i didnt apply th e patches myself. I left
that up to laura, as that was her department.

So, i cant really say, if we want to go back and look at pccts, then thats

What the group needs is a person to corrdinate the front end/ do the front end
in what ever way is appropriate. as long as it sticks to keep with the
85 std. I think that is an important point. I will stick to helping
corrdiate the back end functionality/ runtime system. as that is what I know

Chad Slaughter  -- slaught at advancenet.net

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