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Re: [GNU-COBOL] gnu-cobol URLs

Didn't feel picked on.

Corrections noted and made.  Other suggestions/corrections greatly appreciated.

Advertising is one path along the way to winning hearts and minds.  I'm glad my humble effort in my mostly neglected sig was appreciated.

Wish I could fit all the other stuff in my sig, but I think I would be courting band-width flames.

The opinions expressed are my own, especially if I'm right.
Linux the choice of a GNU generation http://www.linux.org
COBOL is also the choice of the GNU generation http://www.gnu.org./software/cobol/index.html 
See my web page at http://users.erols.com/bpkprsnl/

>>> Chad Slaughter <slaught@babba.advancenet.net> 07/29/99 10:12AM >>>

Hello all,

Not to pick on Boris, but I saw it as an opportunity to point out
some corrections.

Boris Kortiak wrote :>
>COBOL is also the choice of the GNU generation http://acm.cs.umr.edu/~gnu-cobol/ 

Thanks for the ad in the sig.

We are currently moving away from using the UMR ACM machine(the above link)
where the cobol project has been graciously housed for the past couple
of years. The links and mail address to there still work and will continue to
work for about another month or so. So update those bookmarks and aliases.

The official GNU page is: http://www.gnu.org./software/cobol/index.html 
(are you happy Laura??)
This page is not at all up-to-date due to some clerical problems at FSF.

The mailing list has been moved to: gnu-cobol@lusars.net.
Control/Requests to: gnu-cobol-owner@lusars.net.

The project home page will be moving under the www.lusars.net. name space
sometime Real Soon Now[tm], but there will be links from the GNU page.

Sorry for any confusion the "move" has caused, we've been trying to
make it as smooth as possible. If you have any problems, let us know.


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