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Re: [GNU-COBOL] Procedure Division Format Question

Fred Mobach wrote:
> Fred Mobach wrote:
> > Laura Tweedy wrote:
> >
> > > Cobol Gurus!
> > >
> > > The standard claims the following are both valid format for the
> > > procedure division:
> > >
> > > Format 1:
> > > { section-name SECTION.
> > > [ paragraph-name.
> > >         [sentence]... ]... }...
> > >
> > > Format 2:
> > > { paragraph-name.
> > >         [sentence]... }...
> EOS.
>     EXIT.

I used to use this all the time as a kind of 'exit procedure',
but I found that some compilers fell over once you got a huge
number of paras with the same name eg you got a branch to the
wrong EOS!

In terms of how the procedure division starts, I have seen code
that starts with paragraphs and then later sections appear. IBM's
SQL preprocessor used to generate such code at the start of the
procedure division for example. I would try and accommodate this
sort of thing (with a warning); as suggested you put am implicit
fake section name at the start of the procedure division just in

Does anyone have any performance info on PC cobol compilers? How
high is the bar we are aiming for?

Tim Josling

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