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Re: [GNU-COBOL] Re: GNU Cobol

Testing this weekend went well. All the tests are complete,
including all the functional tests, except for testing about 1/2
of the error messages and parser errors (ie making sure I shut
down cleanly any verbs in progress when I get an error). I'll
also do some speed tests. Once that's done I'll put it up
somewhere for people to have a look at.

I had quite a few bugs due to having to work around the
limitations of bison. Can you tell us more about MSTA?

I am looking forward to working on a cleaner grammar than

Tim Josling

Laura Tweedy wrote:
> Tim Josling wrote:
> >
> > FYI my 'preprocessor' is now complete and working but I still
> > have some testing to do....
> Excellent!  I'm glad to hear it.  Chad and I are ironing out a sticking
> point in the grammar definition and trying to make MSTA (our compiler
> generator) and C++ play nice together.
> laura
> Laura Tweedy .. ltweedy@bellatlantic.net

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