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RandallBart wrote:
> 'Twas 06:01 7-13-1999 +1000 when Tim Josling wrote:
> >RandallBart wrote:
> Actually you need a flag saying 'this token is on a debugging line'.
> Consider this example:
>         IF  A > B
>             ADD 1 TO ERROR-COUNT
>         END-IF  ==.
Sorry I was taking that as given, but you also need to kow if the
replacement occurred in a replace or copy verb as well, IMO.
> List?  Web site?  Why didn't you tell me about that earlier?  By all means
> put me on the list, and we can babble about this stuff there.

See http://acm.cs.umr.edu/~gnu-cobol/
There is a link to the mailing list from there and you can ask to

The mailing list address is gnu-cobol@acm.cs.umr.edu
Randall and I have been having a good discussion about various
aspects of the COPY and REPLACE verbs, Randall has a lot of
experience using COBOL and he has clarified a number of things
for me.

FYI my 'preprocessor' is now complete and working but I still
have some testing to do. Nested COPY is working (with full
replacing), replace verbs also working - just need to test until
I run out of new bugs to fix. I did have a bad storage overlay
which took a while to fix - in the process I put in an xmalloc to
validate all the memory allocations and check there are no
overruns etc.
> After the Y2K gravy train ends, I plan on going back into compilers
> full time.
Make hay while the sun shines.

Here are Randall's details -  if someone can add him to the list
please do so.

R B |\  Randall Bart
a a |/  mailto:Barticus@usa.net   mailto:Barticus@att.net   I
Love You
n r |\  1-614-308-9307         3645 Dragonfly Drive, Columbus OH
d t ||\ Have you solved
http://users.aol.com/PanicYr00/Sequence.html ?
a    |/ MS^7=6/28/107             Let's sing about the Year 2000
l    |\            
l    |/ Has anyone in Washington DC read the US Constitution?

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