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Re: [GNU-COBOL] Quiet on the list?

Boris Kortiak wrote :>

>My experience with *nix editors is limited to vi, so I'm not sure what the 

well vi is the *preferred* editor. ;)

> listed ones are capable of.  My list of needs would be to have the syntax 
> highlighting that you mentioned, maybe something like VB.  Reserved words 
> one color, verbs another, literals a third, variables a forth.  I would 
> think this would require a little intelligence on the part of the editor to 
> keep tabs on these elements.

yep, it does require a little inteligence. and most modern editors have that.
Check out vim. it has a decent config file for syntax highlighting.
It rather easy to modify, change colors, add keywords, etc
They have simple cobol one included in the distribution. I am not sure
how it stacks up with other more dedicated editors.

Guess we can add that to the todo list: Evaluate the available
syntax highlights for the different editors. And either modify, maintain
our own for ppl to use. 

now I am rambling again...

Chad Slaughter  -- slaught at umr.edu
<PGP public key available upon request>

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