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Re: [GNU-COBOL] math library questions

John J. Adelsberger III wrote :>

>Chad wrote:
>> John J. Adelsberger III wrote :>

>> Most everyone on this list knows the crap you spew out, please don't
>> infect this project with it. If you don't like what is going on, leave!
>> All you are interested in is non-constructive, argumentive, personal
>> attachs. so why are you here? 

>I was polite until you came after me.  If you want C runtime libraries
>written, I'll do that.  That's all I'm interested in.  I'm also one of

We don't need C runtime libraries, try the GlibC project.
We need Cobol runtime libraries.

>_perhaps_ four people who have any real interest in that part of the

perhaps four? hmm well seeing as I am the person in charge or the
outputed code and runtime libraries, that makes me the _one_ person
who has Total interest in that part of the project AND the rest of it.

>project.  What I won't do is put up with a load of crap from you.  If

Seeing as I am lead on the output side, you going to have to take
crap from me, if you want to work on this project.

>you have a coding standard, write it up and post it.  If you don't,
>then I'm quite sure I'm not the only one who doesn't want to hear any
>more about it.

Well, John for you I'll write it. Everyone else seems to be able
to get along without it. The two basic rules seem too complex for you
to understand so I'll write you a little rules document, then you can decide
if you still want to contribute.

Chad Slaughter  -- slaught at umr.edu
<PGP public key available upon request>

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