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Re: [GNU-COBOL] math library questions

Chad wrote:
> John J. Adelsberger III wrote :>
> You couldn't even work with ppl(284) when a grade was on the line.

Everyone but keeton in that group worshipped the ground I walked on 
BECAUSE MY CODE WORKS, and I wrote FOUR FIFTHS of the project THEIR grades
depended on.  Keeton blamed me for not writing HIS fifth as well, and said
it was my fault that his non-spec-conforming 10 main function didn't work.  
Screw him.  My 384 team got along just fine.  My 397 team is getting
along remarkably well.  The only people who have real problems with me 
are incompetents and fascists.

> Most everyone on this list knows the crap you spew out, please don't
> infect this project with it. If you don't like what is going on, leave!
> All you are interested in is non-constructive, argumentive, personal
> attachs. so why are you here? 

I was polite until you came after me.  If you want C runtime libraries
written, I'll do that.  That's all I'm interested in.  I'm also one of
_perhaps_ four people who have any real interest in that part of the
project.  What I won't do is put up with a load of crap from you.  If
you have a coding standard, write it up and post it.  If you don't,
then I'm quite sure I'm not the only one who doesn't want to hear any
more about it.

John J. Adelsberger III

"Civilization is the process of setting man free from men."

						- Ayn Rand

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