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Re: [GNU-COBOL] math library questions

John J. Adelsberger III wrote :>

>> We hae a basic philisophical difference in how we view coding, and
>> I doubt it will ever be resolved.

>So you mean that while I write code, you talk about it?:-)  Yes, that's

John if you can't work with ppl why are you on this project?
You couldn't even work with ppl(284) when a grade was on the line.
Most everyone on this list knows the crap you spew out, please don't
infect this project with it. If you don't like what is going on, leave!
All you are interested in is non-constructive, argumentive, personal
attachs. so why are you here? 

>You've never had the patience to complete anything.  You get done thinking
>about how it _might_ work, but you have no idea if your design is
>adequate, because you've never actually implemented one.  For you to talk
>about the subject is, imho, ridiculous.

John, until you know what your talking about shut-up. If you want to
see code that I have written, please contact Olin Ordnance or the USGS.

Chad Slaughter  -- slaught at umr.edu
<PGP public key available upon request>

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