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Re: [GNU-COBOL] math library questions

> We hae a basic philisophical difference in how we view coding, and
> I doubt it will ever be resolved.

So you mean that while I write code, you talk about it?:-)  Yes, that's

> I am interested in a quality product. Not only a bug free, correct/accurate
> product, but a maintainable one. People may not like my views on coding
> but they are the simpliest, easier, fastest way to quality code. And until
> a better way is presented to me, I am sticking with it. That may seem
> hard ass but the goal is a accurate product; I don't have the time or 
> patients for anything less. 

You've never had the patience to complete anything.  You get done thinking
about how it _might_ work, but you have no idea if your design is
adequate, because you've never actually implemented one.  For you to talk
about the subject is, imho, ridiculous.

> No, I don't think that is John's argument. John?

Actually, my argument falls into 3 parts:

1) Glen's statement.  I'm not a walking tutorial.
2) C is C.  It is not pascal with braces.  It has many C specific idioms,
   but these are not 'hacks.'  They are idioms(ie 'if(!foo) blah'.)  Any
   competent C programmer knows them.  Anyone else is irrelevant.
3) I have no problem with standards for appearance, comments, and so forth.
   However, I will NOT write code, submit it, and then have people tell me
   that they don't like it.  If you can't provide a standard in advance,
   you don't know what you're talking about anyway.

John J. Adelsberger III

"Civilization is the process of setting man free from men."

						- Ayn Rand

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