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Re: [GNU-COBOL] math library questions

Glen Colbert wrote :>

>point here is that adequate documentation that is readable by the novice
>programmer is a subjective judgement.  Above average people tend to think
>that everyone should have the same understanding that they do.  If your

Point taken. I will be sure to be more specific in the future.
I would like to point out that me and John have had many a discussion
on this topic. My response to him may have seemed terse, but I am 
not going to rehash our old arguments on this list. 
We hae a basic philisophical difference in how we view coding, and
I doubt it will ever be resolved.

>I think that your decision to accept the role of 'guardian of the standard'
>shows that you are interested in the project and in producing a quality,
>usable product.  However, a duty that comes with taking on the role is to

I am interested in a quality product. Not only a bug free, correct/accurate
product, but a maintainable one. People may not like my views on coding
but they are the simpliest, easier, fastest way to quality code. And until
a better way is presented to me, I am sticking with it. That may seem
hard ass but the goal is a accurate product; I don't have the time or 
patients for anything less. 

>ensure that contributors understand the standards.  When a contribution is
>made that fails to meet the standards, you also assume the duty of
>explaining why it does not.

I have no problem explaining problems to those that want to learn, I have
a problem with those taht don't.

>When you encounter a code fragment that does not seem to be properly
>documented, you may want to ask if it is the code that you don't understand
>or if it is the concept that you don't.  I think that John's argument is
>that the programmer dosen't have the responsibility of teaching design or
>programming concepts in the documentation.  The responsibility is merely to

No, I don't think that is John's argument. John?
I don't think the code should explain programming concepts, but
the source code IS the design.


Chad Slaughter  -- slaught at umr.edu
<PGP public key available upon request>

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