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	Hey, all...being somewhat of a latecomer to the project, at least 
as far as actually doing anything in an official position, I need to know
this before I start going anywhere near documentation.  Is this an official
GNU project, or are we just kind of using the GNU name, or are we even 
officially using the GNU name?  If this is an official GNU project, there are
a ton of rules, regulations, etc, that we need to be adhering to....so I need 
to know.  


Justin Ferguson - CS  "Good morning, how are you, I'm Doctor Worm...I'm 
jferg@usgs.gov        interested in things...I'm not a real Doctor but I
jferg@acm.org         am a real worm..."
jferg@umr.edu                             - They Might Be Giants, "Dr. Worm"

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